Christian Life Coaching

with Dr. Susan Addis

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What is Life Coaching?

Why would you choose to hire a life coach?  A life coach partners with clients to maximize their potential.  A life coach honors the client as the expert.   A life coach encourages the client to set goals, set outcomes, create strategies to achieve goals.  A Christian life coach helps someone to discover his or her life plan, which is God’s plans.  Through faith, through scripture, helps the client to discover what means the most to them. 

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Areas of Practice

womens issues area of practice

Women’s Issues

Whatever the role that you have as a woman, you may need some help in figuring out where you should be.

Grief and Loss

As your coach, I will walk alongside of you and together we can establish a life without the one that you lost. 

finding your way after divorce compass

Life Beyond Divorce

Are you bickering, ugly to each other?  Or are you civil?  It is quite possible for you to establish a new life without your spouse. 

Dr Susan Addis Seeds of Hope Christian Life Coaching

Getting to Know Your Coach

Susan Addis, PhD is a licensed psychologist.  She has been a licensed psychologist since 1997.  Her years of experience as a psychologist are incorporated into her skills as a coach.  As she walks alongside of you in your journey, she will guide you and assist you in achieving your goals.  She has personal knowledge of grief.  At the age of 15, her father died.  She was one of six children, so the loss was devastating, dramatically changing the lives of her family.  And then in 2012, she lost her beloved husband of almost 36 years.  Grief and loss is one of several areas in which she specializes.  Allow her to walk alongside you to assist you in moving forward through your faith.  “I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13   

Coaching VS Counseling

What is the difference between coaching and counseling?  I have been a licensed psychologist for many years.  In my role as therapist, I have worked with people to heal from traumas, to heal from past wrongs.  Working through the pain to get to the other side of it.  It tends to be a long process, with a lot of looking back to past hurts.  As a Christian life coach, I have a much different role, although there is some overlap.  The biggest difference between life coaching and counseling is that life coaching looks ahead, setting goals, always looking forward.   Counseling looks backwards to try to heal past traumas, hurts that the client has experienced.  The best part of what I do as a Christian life coach is to guide my clients to look to their faith to strengthen them, to inspire them, in moving forward and becoming the person that God wants them to be.  The overlap from my years as a psychologist is listening, being empathic, wanting only the best for the people I serve. 

How Would I Benefit From Christian Life Coaching?

If you are someone who is going through a transition and wants to be able to move forward, but you feel stuck, then coaching would be a good option for you.  If you have lost a spouse, your whole life is most likely changing with it.  How do you deal with these changes?  How do you move forward?  If you have gone through a divorce, your loss is very real, but very different from a loss through death.  Whether you have lost a spouse through death or through divorce, you are struggling to figure out what your future will look like.  As your Christian Life Coach, I can walk alongside of you, help you set goals, and be your biggest cheerleader.  “I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me.”  Philippians 4:13